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Putting our shoulder to the wheel

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Put your shoulder to the wheel

Deseret News, reporting on then-Senator Kamala Harris’s visit to Utah ahead of the vice presidential debate, wrote: “When you think about the spirit of America, including the pioneers here, that is so much of the fabric of this nation. They were essentially immigrants. They were fleeing persecution. They were fighting for religious freedom. Part of the spirit was shoulder to the wheel, which is really about everything that I think we’re talking about right now in America. Let’s put our shoulders to the wheel. Let’s do the work that is necessary and continue to fight for our ideals and our values and in this case what they fought for so many years ago, which was for freedom and to hold our country accountable for the values we say we hold dear.”

Latter-Day Saints are joining in this effort, following a string of successful virtual rallies hosted by groups like Win With Black Women, Win With Black Men, White Women for Harris, and White Dudes for Harris, with a rally of our own.

The LDS For Harris Zoom rally will be Tuesday, August 6, at 8:00pm EDT / 6:00pm MDT.

Join the movement. Pitch in by RSVPing, attending, and sharing.

Of our own free will: what the Church has said about political participation

The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has, for many years, issued letters about the importance of political participation. Here’s a look back on some from the last twenty years:

In 2008 the First Presidency reminded us that “Latter-day Saints as citizens are to seek out and then uphold leaders who will act with integrity and are wise, good, and honest. Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in various political parties.”

One from 2016 states, “While the Church affirms its institutional neutrality regarding political parties and candidates, individual members should participate in the political process.”

The June 1, 2023, letter “cautions against voting by ‘tradition’ or straight-party ticket as well as political advocacy expressed in Church teachings or settings.” The letter encourages members to study candidates carefully and to vote for those “demonstrating integrity, compassion and service to others—regardless of party affiliation.”

It continues, “Merely voting a straight ticket or voting based on ‘tradition’ without careful study of the candidates and their positions on important issues is a threat to democracy and inconsistent with revealed standards.”

As a reminder, the letter concludes with, “Political choices and affiliations should not be the subject of any teaching or advocating in Church settings. Leaders ensure that Church meetings focus on our Heavenly Father, our Savior, and the gospel.”

Ward newsletter: Latter-day Saint Republicans supporting Vice President Harris

 From azcentral:

Vice President Kamala Harris is adding a group of unlikely allies to her reelection campaign: Arizona Republicans.

Mesa Mayor John Giles will co-chair a new Arizona Republican task force for Harris, the vice president’s campaign announced Sunday. He’ll lead the group with former GOP state Rep. Robin Shaw.

“As a lifelong Arizonan and longtime Republican, I strongly believe in defending democracy and standing up for our personal freedoms. Donald Trump and JD Vance represent the greatest threat to American values and institutions that I have seen in my lifetime - and that’s why I am committed to defeating him in November,” Giles said in a written statement.

Giles previously announced his support for Harris with an opinion column in The Arizona Republic. In 2022, Giles was part of a similar group of Republicans who backed the reelection of Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz.

Other Republicans backing Harris include former mayors: former Scottsdale Mayor Sam Campana, former Apache Junction Mayor Douglas Coleman and former Jerome Mayor Dr. Jack Dillenberg. 

Republicans across the country are putting country over party. See this statement by the former Lieutenant Governor of Georgia:

LDS voters are stepping up to speak out, and even to run for office, in unlikely places. Read why one citizen says, “This one’s easy. Country over party.” While reading, you might just learn about a few court cases you didn’t know about before.

We hope that this election season, you will join us in whatever way you can, to stand up for the Constitution, defend democracy, participate politically, and put your shoulder to the wheel.

One more praiseworthy thing: Secretary Pete Buttigieg, “They’ve long walked away from being the party of the family”

Another interview with Pete Buttigieg has hit the airwaves. Mayor Pete says "they've emerged being against IVF, against the Affordable Care Act that means so much to so many families, talking about abolishing the department of education, they long ago walked away from any serious claim on being the party of family."

Too often election season becomes about the horse race or attack ads. We appreciate any official willing to devote attention to which public policies actually support families and everyday Americans.